I finally finished Clannad After Story the day before yesterday. I don't think I have ever seen a tv show series that moved me the way this one did. I was literally sobbing through all of the last five episodes. Well, actually through most of the second half. But the ending wasn't sad, it was beautiful. That may sound weird when talking about an anime series but... It really was.
And the music for it is lovely. :)
I don't want to give anything away, but if you do watch it and get to a certain point and want to stop... Don't! Go all the way through to the end. :)

Anyways, I really loved that show and recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind crying a little. Or a lot as in my case...
I have a longer post coming soon hopefully. :)

Anyways, I really loved that show and recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind crying a little. Or a lot as in my case...
I have a longer post coming soon hopefully. :)
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