Day 16 - A Song That You Used To Love But Now Hate
I can't think of any...
I have plenty of songs that I hate and plenty of songs that I love and several songs that I used to hate but now love, but I can't think of a single song that I used to love but now hate....
So how about I switch today...
Day 16 - A Song That You Used to Hate But Now Love
Of course... it's the song that my blog gets it's title from. This song is beautiful and moving and the lyrics are perfect. I think this song describes me very well... At least how I feel sometimes.
I came across these while browsing through quotes on weheartit, my latest obsession.
It's so true though! Sometimes the simplest tiny things can make you very happy. One that I had never thought of was #289 "The first time someone says your name."